After School

Welcome to the PS101 After School Program!

Get Ready! The Spring Semester Starts on February 3rd!

Dear Families,

The Spring Semester starts on Monday, February 3rd and ends on Friday, June 13th, 2025. We're excited for your children to continue their fabulous activities and look forward to meeting all of our new after school students! There is still time to register for Spring AS Activities on our website. Please refer to our website for All after school program information, including closure dates, program policies, etc.

Available Activities:

  • Monday - Multi-Sports, Coding, MineCraft, Mix it Up Dance, Singer/Songwriter
  • Tuesday - Fun w/Writing & Math, Gr 2 & 3, Improv, Chess, Master Builder
  • Wednesday - Fun w/Science, KinderCreativity(Art), K-5, Soccer
  • Thursday - Art & Culture, Chess, Coding Robotics, Soccer
  • Friday - Chess, Drama Club, MineCraft, Soccer


  • Send teacher a note with your child's after school Spring schedule, days & activities
  • If your child is not attending the AS Program on a scheduled day, please send an email to your child's teacher and to the ASP email [email protected]
  • All authorized pick up persons must be added to your child's account including any outside Vendors coming to pick up.
  • Send us an email to [email protected] if your child is being picked up by an outside Vendor (CH or TC) with the days that they are attending.
    • If there's a last minute change of person picking up, please send an email with person's first and last name and contact information ([email protected])
  • Self Dismiss: Send us an email that you are giving permission to your child to go home on their own from the After School Program.
  • All authorized pick up persons must show a photo i.d, at pick up.
  • Kindergarten Students should carry a change of clothing in their backpack to be used in the ASP.
  • Label all clothing items such as Jackets, Sweatshirts, Lunch Bags, Backpacks, Water bottles, anything that can be left behind
  • All items that are left behind will be put in the lost/found area. The ASP is not responsible for misplaced or lost items.
  • Send your child with a water bottle, preferably not metal
  • Please label your child's snack, AS Program and send an additional snack if they are staying for Extended Stay.
  • Pick Up for Grades Kindergarten, First and Second Grade starts at 3:40 p.m.
  • Pick Up for Grades 3-5, starts at 3:50 p.m.

Late Pick Up

  • All students that are not picked up by 4 p.m. will be sent to extended stay and a late fee will be charged.
  • Our last pick up is at 6:00 p.m. and a late charge will be charged for all pick ups after 6:01 p.m.

The BCAS Team